The only aspiration of Western Sahara people is to return one day to their own country, far away from the Morocco violation.
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The Occupation We Choose to Ignore’
Do you know who I am? I am a Sahrawi. The land to which I refer is what is known today as the non-self-governing territory ofWestern Sahara. My country was colonized by the Spanish and the French between 1884 and 1975, divided in two and occupied by Moroccan and Mauritanian forces thereafter, and has been ruled exclusively by the Kingdom of Morocco from 1979 until the present.
The Western Sahara: forgotten first source of the Arab Spring
this is one part of the Arab Spring that western governments don't want to talk about. And their silence, and the UN's complicity in it, is why that repression continues, and a terrible injustice is perpetuated.
ISS - News - The Western Sahara and North African People’s Power
Respect the right of individuals to peacefully express their opinions regarding the status and future of the Western Sahara and to document violations of human rights
King of Morocco to be biggest benefactor of EU trade agreement - Telegraph
it has emerged that the single biggest beneficiary of the deal will be the King of Morocco, who is head of one of the three largest agricultural producers in the north African country and lays claim to 12,000 hectares of the nation's most fertile farmland.
North African Dispatches Africa’s Forgotten Colony
Oblivion it seems is the current reality for the arid North African territory of Western Sahara; often referred to as Africa’s ‘Last Colony’. In my opinion, it would be more accurate to describe it as ‘Africa’s Forgotten Colony’.

Feb 24, 2012
Women and the Western Sahara ~ Diaspora Saharaui
Numerous demonstrations denouncing occupation of the Western Sahara by Morocco since 1975 has resulted in widespread discrimination and police brutality.
Last month, several dozen Saharawi activists were injured after a police crackdown outside the office of the ruling Justice and Development Party where protestors gathered to voice outrage over the postponement of a verdict on the continued detention of Saharawi people in the notorious Sale prison.
History of the Western Sahara
The Western Sahara is a disputed territory in North Africa, bordered by Morocco to the north, Algeria to the northeast, Mauritania to the east and south, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west.
Despite recognition of the Saharawis’ right to self-determination by the International Court of Justice at end of Spain’s colonial rule, the 1975 Madrid Agreement handed over two thirds of land in Western Sahara to Morocco and one third to Mauritania.
Following a 1978 peace accord, Mauritania relinquished areas under their control. However, Morocco seized the opportunity to control the entire Western Sahara. As a result, tens of thousands of Saharawis have been displaced from their lands and their struggle represents one of the world’s longest-running conflicts.
Saharawi Women
Women have a played a key role in traditional Saharawi culture and in resisting foreign occupation. Traditionally, Saharawi women could inherit property and could subsist independently of their husbands, fathers, and brothers. They were also valued by Saharawi tribes, had great personal freedoms, and were active participants in major tribal decisions.
Women Koranic teachers, traditional healers, marabouts (mystic holy leaders), and scholars are an integral part of the Saharawi oral heritage.
Over the course of thirty-three years in their fight for the liberation of Africa's last colony, Saharawi women have played a major role in the struggle for the Western Sahara by developing various skills, ranging from education to military as well as obtaining power in the social and political life.
Western Sahara and the Arab Spring
Every day languages, traditions and cultures are being lost. In an effort to share the social and humanitarian challenges facing Saharawi women living under occupation, I initiated a project called Barakah Bashad. The aim of the project is to bring the voices of Saharawi women and others to a global audience. The best part? I will be blogging the journey here on Her Blueprint.
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