The only aspiration of Western Sahara people is to return one day to their own country, far away from the Morocco violation.
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The Occupation We Choose to Ignore’
Do you know who I am? I am a Sahrawi. The land to which I refer is what is known today as the non-self-governing territory ofWestern Sahara. My country was colonized by the Spanish and the French between 1884 and 1975, divided in two and occupied by Moroccan and Mauritanian forces thereafter, and has been ruled exclusively by the Kingdom of Morocco from 1979 until the present.
The Western Sahara: forgotten first source of the Arab Spring
this is one part of the Arab Spring that western governments don't want to talk about. And their silence, and the UN's complicity in it, is why that repression continues, and a terrible injustice is perpetuated.
ISS - News - The Western Sahara and North African People’s Power
Respect the right of individuals to peacefully express their opinions regarding the status and future of the Western Sahara and to document violations of human rights
King of Morocco to be biggest benefactor of EU trade agreement - Telegraph
it has emerged that the single biggest beneficiary of the deal will be the King of Morocco, who is head of one of the three largest agricultural producers in the north African country and lays claim to 12,000 hectares of the nation's most fertile farmland.
North African Dispatches Africa’s Forgotten Colony
Oblivion it seems is the current reality for the arid North African territory of Western Sahara; often referred to as Africa’s ‘Last Colony’. In my opinion, it would be more accurate to describe it as ‘Africa’s Forgotten Colony’.

Feb 16, 2012
EU-Moroccan trade stirs debate over Western Sahara
Much has been said about Spanish opposition to a Moroccan-EU free trade agreement, but there are others outside the Iberian peninsula equally opposed to such an agreement - though for very different reasons.
There is controversy surrounding Morocco's administration of the Western Sahara region. So much so in fact that the USA and the European nations not in the EU, but part of the European Free Trade Agreement have refused to acknowledge exports from the region as covered by their agreements with Morocco.
80% of exports from the Western Sahara are fruit and vegetables. It's a growing industry. Vegetable production within a 70 mile radius of the town of Dakhla has increased by 2800% between 2003 and 2009. Fruit production has increased by 500% over the same period. The Moroccan government has plans for further expansion. This al sounds great except for the fat that opponents insist that this has all taken place at the expense of the native population, whom they say have been forced off their land and into refugee camps in the Algerian part of the dessert.
Norway's Minister for Foreign Trade has stated, "Morocco does not have the right exploit the area's resources as if they were its own." A Norwegian company was fined 1.2 million Euro last year for misinterpreting the EFTA free trade agreement with Morocco to include the Western Sahara region.
Some claim there is a problem in that the EU itself does not give the same attention to an exclusion of the region. This, they fear, will lead to tariff free exports from the Western Sahara, by organisation responsible for exploiting the region and its people.
The EU has already been informed by the UN that its former fishing operations in the area were in violation of international law. These activities ceased in 2011. Critics insist that agricultural produce must surely be covered by the same international legislation.
The critics, including Western Sahara Research Watch, say that the EU, largely looking to make easier the importation of Moroccan fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes and melon and, to a lesser extent, bananas, pineapple and cucumbers, should be doing more in its trade discussion to encourage Morocco to change its stance in the region. They call for the EU to exclude produce from the region in any future agreement with Morocco.
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